RE: As many of you know..- look, hardlook!!! bad mouthing me will hardly make TVI's SP appreciate. if you spent a fraction of the time you spend bad mouthing me exprssing your concerns to the inept, incompetent, inertia bound, brain dead . . . management i am sure it would do some thing to ease the chronic pain. as it is mr. james knows that you, and others of your ilk, have got all the shareholders confused by speculating / predicting that TVI will soon be $10.00 stock because of some moose pastures in china. considering that the poor female canine could barely make it to $0.16 during the last 19 years of its miserable life what kind of 'mind', do you suppose, could think of $10.00 / share in the near future for this poor orphan?
- i'll leave you and the others of your ilk with the thought that 'there is a trade off between the level of one's intellect and one's proclivity to violence, verbal / physical', we all know which camp you and the other bozos belong to, don't we?