RE: Sent out your "thank you" card yet coughlc?Good one Onlygame!
To have high returns you have to take risks. Just not all the eggs in one basket. I know the risks I take but I don't include bonehead statements made contnuously by mgmt with their head in the clouds as part of the parcel.
As ticked of as I am, I still hold EFL shares and have no plans to unload. My average cost is far far below the 1000 shares that hotscum keeps bringing up. Besides, it is my business if I want to burn my money.
Hotschuck brings up one trade done years ago. How irrelevant is that LOL! Maybe he does one trade in a lifetime, the genius.
HOTSCHMUCK0- I have never said you are right because you can't be right- or wrong for that matter. You never make any sense whatsoever. You are just a fly in the ointment. I don't "inbox" weirdos.