GREY:AZDDQ - Post by User
Post by
bobo2000on Aug 25, 2006 11:52am
Post# 11272902
Missed opportunity
Missed opportunitySpeaking of shareholder value, I think the boys at AZD could not have picked a worse time to disappear into a badger hole. With oil at near record highs this is when you need to be out there marketting your product both to prospective buyers AND to the investment community (that would be us folks). I think they are squandering a once in lifetime opportunity and someone else will see that opportunity and take advantage. AZD will be left on the sidelines wondering what happened. If any of you are Canadian Football fans it brings to mind the recent game between Edmonton and Winnnipeg when Milt Stegal ran a pass on the last play of the game for 100 yards to beat Edmonton. The look on the Edmonton's coach's face told the whole story. I hope that is not the same look we will see on the faces od the AZD execs at the next AGM when other companies go whipping by them to grab what should have been their victory.