RE: unhappy times...production going up...every quarter accelerating on a percentage basis
Netbacks increasing quarter on quareter since they started
operating costs continuing to drop on a per barrel basis
G & A holding steady, down as a percentage of boe sales..
Only pres of US moved to board, the main man Wadsworth still doing excellent job overall.
Massive land package in USA, NOT just Palo Duro...look at the Power point on the website. If even ten percent of that land can be productive like the Barnett that adds $4.00 to the share price! Not including the Overseas cash flow which ...just a keeps on agrowin...confidence is increasing and there is only one way for these shares to go ..its black and white to a seasoned stock person. You will kick yourself when this turnsaround and all this was clear even now..good luck all, short it bravely and carry it with confidence. In the end the numbers NEVER lie.