Please chill outOnce again greedy westerners are getting agitated.
Listen, I'm a westerner too, but lets get over the idea that the West is indispensable to Asians. I used to think that Mongolia ran a risk in dealing with China. I no longer do. Ivanhoe should stand on its contractual rights and the representations that GOM made while OT was being explored. M should make a fair deal with IVN out of fairness, and to establish that it is a country that deals fairly, not out of some imaginary need to placate Western capital.
Anger, idle threats and fingerpointing isn't going to help IVN and the GOM reach a fair IA. Only the opposite will: the GOM should be convinced that dealing with IVN is their best option from a continual building of trust and cooperation. Any failure to operate in a positive win/win mode will be to IVN's detriment.
I would normally end this with a "in my humble opinion" qualification, but what I've stated above is clearly true. The bottom line is: never deal with Asians by threats. Thats what they expect of greedy capitalists, and they are well aware of how to maneuver against it. Deal with them consistently in an open, non-confrontational, and cooperative way, and they are much more likely to reciprocate. Its common sense really, but for some reason, folks on this board feel the need to attempt to alert the GOM through the Internet medium of their anger as if they can instill fear into the minds of M politicians. Who are they kidding?