RE: IPO and other things
Good dialogue on the IPO and other issues. Nice to see the board improving again.
MC1500000... I think the whole point of the divisional approach is to unlock the value that isnt currently reflected in the market cap of the parent. Frankly, I think the parts are worth substantially more than the current "whole"... primarilly because of the terrible execution and communication..... and throw in some bad luck...
I personally dont think you can argue that the UK division wont be able to do a $50mm IPO simply because of the current PLI market cap... especially because its the whole point of the exercise. The contention is that the UK will pay more for the filter / mad cow story if its in a UK based, UK listed company that is solely focussed on executing a strategy based on its products and technology.... it isnt into funding therapeutics or HMSL projects... its focussed on executing. I frankly think there will be sufficient appetite to pull this off.
My contention is that you CAN argue that a well executed divisional IPO will reflect positively on the parent co.. if the parent co retains sufficient ownership....the entire "value" of the combined entity goes up. If PLI retains 70% of an company valued at $50mm plus... then market efficiency should reprice the parent... whereas the market has proven it will not appropriately price the multi divisional parent as it stands right now.... and that leads to all of our frustration.
As far as my shares... I have added 150,000 shares over the last 10 days and will add more on any dips. I have no intention of selling anywhere near these levels. I think despite all of the dilution and negativity that has plagued this company... the next few months will be very positive.