RE: lets see who sell in the next few days ?( CSENSE/ if you are so down on this play and its manager, why do you hold your shares......)
I hold my shares because of what is in the ground and that is the only reason.
I post because, I don't like it that management sell so many shares, the only thing I can give him on that topic is I guess he need to put food on the table.
If I am expected to believe in this play, then I would expect management to believe too. and hold his share...but I put him in the same catogory as a day trader, I have spoken to him personaly on this matter, and its clear he has the inside scoop and can take full advantage of his position and he does!!! I have traded for several years and know more then you may think I do, having said that its ok for management to sell shares sometimes, living expences, taxes and so on but this management sell all the time. and people should Know
and do their DD.
Thank god for what is in the ground.
good day all, nice to see ORE up today