Up and Away..Next week Rochester will continue to go up. More that 400.000 stocks have changed owner today. I think they are sitting long, all of them almost. Many many still want to buy.
Very very good news.
16 g/t AU is really good news. Hope they will buy the rest of the mill very soon. And ramp up production.
Nice Future potental. This must be much gold-silver. Thickness 3 meters, 250 meters, 3 km long
Recent geological field work, such as geological mapping, limited trenching and drill core examination, indicates that the Florida Vein system may have good continuity to the northwest for at least another kilometer from the mine area. The vein structure appears to have a vertical continuity of over 250 meters, as observed from surface outcrop to the bottom lowermost developed adit, and in places reaches a true thickness of over 3 meters.
Based on over 3 kilometers of quartz gold-silver vein structure identified on the Mina Real Property to date and the average head grades experienced in the bulk samples mined in mid-2005 and earlier, management believes there is excellent potential for the early development of a significant long-term revenue stream.