CBC/TSX /Moses/ Burning bush Investigation What in heavens name would justify a 10 month disection of a small jr. exploration company just after if was cleared to trade by the same people in the previous 10 months.
The Kennedy Warren commision on Pesidents Kennedy shooting took less time than this.
The US 911 commission had all but finnised up there report in the same time.
Moses report to his flock on the Red Sea crossing,the burning bush issue and why the Jews left Eygpt took less time than this.
Is exploration on in the province of PEI dead? I do not know whats
going on but could almost guarantee that nothing will be done again this year as evidence of progress would now be visable. This company is hog tied, Corridor is real busy doing great things in New Brunswick, Shannon International is bankrupt, owes 7 million, doesnt have enough money for the bridge to PEI let alone progress. No progress in this Province guaranteed for now.
"Who" or "what" is holding up the show? Does anyone have any insight to anything after 20 months of suspense?
The CBC/TSX "some say" see a connection between Moses,the burning bush,and gas flares on PEI. They request an addition 200 years to explore the issue.
Meanwhile so many Islanders have moved to Alberta to work I doubt one could find and young man or women to cut the grass on PEI.