ElectroNOvaya announce 4th quarter results...BS News report:
Sandonothing stated " We are poise to lose another $2000000 researching god knows what"
" I played golf in Bermuda and we are poised to invent the electric golf cart" Says Sandonothing. "We vill loose only another $2000000 on this bright idea" When asked if they plan to sell their product " Yes, ve plan to spend 2,000,000 and sell 10000 worth of product- good yes?"
Jacobygolly was astounded to learn that his $60,000,000 worth of shares had shrunk to less than his nephew's piggy bank. We knocked on his wall (door was reposessed) but all we got was a nervous "no comment" It should be noted that Jacobygolly never says much.
Mr. Heartless stated on the matter of investor relations " What investors?" It should be noted that he was laughing so hard that when he changed colours we called 911.
End of BS news release.