Canada's Fastest - Growing Cos. SIF # 82Canadian Business, the magazine, in
the June,2006 issue, ranked Canada's Fastest - Growing Companies
based on 5-year sales growth in what is referred to as Profit 100
and the next 100. There are 5 trusts in the listings.
Rank Ticker $ Rev. 2000 Rev.2005 Grth%
62 IPL.UN CAD 83,133,000 926,991,000 1,015
82 SIF.UN CAD 146,339,725 1,212,314,000 728
147 CFN.UN CAD 3,886,975 16,406,382 322
181 NAL.UN CAD 78,421,000 248,086,000 216
183TFR.UN CAD 42,476,498 133,008,000 213