Crown FinancialThe information can be verified with the company. But for the still incredulous, check first their October presentation online and look at the slide where they talk financing. In bracket you will see the word "Crown".
Then go to Crown's website: and right there they actually announce their latest September financing of you know what: Adeptron.
Check Crown's management - all ex or Crown Life Insurance portfolio managers or investment advisers or Farm Credit related. Now, is there any more conservative investors and lenders than life insurance and farm related money wizbangs? So why would they loose there conservative character and invest in Adeptron?
My suspicion is that those warrants will be a very important tool to feed institutional taste for the company when the stock moves up and growth feeds that taste. It will increase liquidity in transferring them to strong hands and will allow warrant holders to recoup their capital from their initial investment in Adeptron in a very calculated way.
That's my take anyway. Shoot me if you don't agree. I don't really care.