Noboa makes beautiful promises to banana growEcuador: Noboa makes beautiful promises to banana growers
Tholen - Again the domestic policy around grower prices of bananas has become a spearpoint in the election contest in Ecuador. Candidate for presidency Alvaro Noboa has made a statement, claiming that exporters who are not paying the official banana reference price to growers, will be sanctioned if he becomes president. However, in recent history, his own companies were accused of this and investigated on it, which makes the promise even more interesting.
According to Noboa however, his company has always paid the official price and no one has ever been successful in actually proving that Exportadora Bananera Noboa would have endangered one of its producers. The statements and promises are generally received sceptically amongst banana growers, who have known Noboa for longer than just the period covering the election contest.
Publication date: November 22 2006
Author: André van der Wiel