RE: stuffThat is great advice Stoocks. I am in a similar situation which leaves me "reasonably" relaxed about my substantial paper losses in PLI. Ironically, my largest investment is in another small company called Bioteq Environmental ( BQE ) They too have a very novel proprietary Bio-technology that treats mine waste water. I am very close to management in that company too... the difference is... they have done almost everything EXACTLY right. Underpromised / Overdelivered... consistently... built a solid institutional base and rewarded them with execution. Absolute TEXTBOOK... and the market rewards them accordingly. In the time that PLI has lost 85% of its value... BQE has tripled.. and looks like its going alot higher.
I have actually talked to Pierre about this example... trying to convince him of the power of proper execution in the market's eye's. Not sure that it worked... but we can only hope he's learned the painful lessons.... Again I say.. the technology will pull us out of this....