The ShowSeveral of the participants were at the San Fran Gold Show, including Shore. The presentations were very technical. Olivine macro attenites with fine grained doogiggies in them. Crocky will give all of us a concise description.
They did get into the composition of the Orion North, Orion South and the Star. There were 3D models of likely what was in the kimberlite. The Orion North appears to be even better than the star and they are drilling the living heck out of it. They seem to know the area, the thicknesses, where the vents are, but are dfining how the layers overlap and how big the Cantuar, Pense and EJF are.
With respect to the run up today, many felt it was due to a couple of institutions finally realizing how big a billion tons is and finally getting on stream. Stock was not available in the $5.50 range so they ran it up to get shares from those who wish to take a bit of profit on the run up. There is no discussion of potential takeovers obviously. They seem content to take it to the mine stage themselves.
The rock is worth $24 a ton and the cost to mine, mill, and administer is $7 to $8 a ton. Everything is on track for 2011 production.
Crocky will no doubt have an update. When I gave him a plate of shrimpies, all he said was "why did they remove the heads?" and then I heard this swallowing sound.
Basically, come on over to the Far Side and hibernate with me for a year, you will be pleased when we wake up.
This offer applies only to females.
The Grizz