RE: Recent trade activities by ClarisBarker,
I wasn't implying anything. Just stating some trivial facts. I found it odd to see a house trading that heavily at a set share price per day for three days without any other trades for the past 6 months. That's as far back as I can access trading data. Those are the only facts I have. I'm curious to see what follows in the next trading sessions.
Well OK, it does look suspiciously like shorting. Of course, as Buzzsaw said, it's all meaningless if it's shorting for the purpose of exercising warrants but if it's plain ol' naked shorting I wouldn't want to be in that guy's shoes. Share price doesn't seem to want to go back down anytime soon.
In any case, this stock has shown some pretty decent strength lately in spite of this apparent capping. The chart sure looks bullish to me.