RE: good news, decent volume, bad move.I agree with you Sniper... but the fact is... if you continue to look at this as a glass half empty situation... then you can't win, AND you will drive yourself crazy and perpetuate the negativity.
At some point you have to see thru the fog and make a tough decision... Either the pieces are in place... and you hold... or they arent..and you sell. That is what the best... most pragmatic traders do.
The CARDINAL RULE in trading is... DONT TRADE YOUR COST... trade the mark to market based on fundamentals. Its a very very difficult thing to do emotianally ....especially in a very tough situation as this.... but its exactly what the consistent winners do.
My contention is that things are finally in place...and the smart money will recognize that... and the weak, emotional traders will get whip-sawed and burned as they normally do. The caveat to all of this... is the fact that alot of smart money has already been caught wrong footed by PLI....we cant all be wrong...can we ?