Diavik faces new environmental hurdlesDiavik faces hurdles in water licence renewal
Last Updated: Tuesday, December 5, 2006 | 1:03 PM CT
CBC News
Diavik Diamond Mines will have to make some changes if it wants its water licence renewed, the board dealing with the application says.
In a decision released Monday, the Wek'eezhii Land and Water Board said it will only renew the diamond mine's licence if the company improves its environmental practices.
The mine is located on a 20-square-kilometre island in the middle of Lac de Gras, about 300 kilometres northeast of Yellowknife.
The board wants the company to reduce the amount of ammonia discharged as a result of blasting. A panel of experts will be brought together to determine what the lowest practical level can be.
The board also ordered the company to do a better job of monitoring the effects of its operations on plants and animals in Lac de Gras.
During public hearings into the licence renewal application held in November, the Tlicho and federal governments told the board the monitoring program was ineffective.
Diavik is reviewing the board's decision.