RE: QEC gas in Lowlands!Thanks for the informative content !
Thank God I grasp the fundamentals with oil deposits, the oil originating with moderately deep seated carbonacious sedimentairy material whose metamophism can't go out of bounds lest we most probably would end up with coal (thus the ambient heat load must be low) ! (although mind you coal seems to originate with carbonacious material which substantially differs from the algue the source of oil...)...By the way, is it a golden rule to find oil close to salt domes such as what appeared to be the case in Texas ?
Regarding the basin in Michigan ; Has there been enough exploratory work (inclduing seismic testing) to further give precisions on the potential of the region ? Mind you, I always thought that the original field in Pennsylvania was part of the same field found in Ontario... With regards to the presumed extent of oil fields; after reading the account on the history of oil industry in America titled "The seven sisters" I had the distinct impression that resource figures during the golden age for oil exploration for the continental US and Texas were way over-evaluated...One expert in the 1940's indicating a 1000 year supply ! (I guess that during that day and age, with major discoveries happening unebated , the folks thought that the oil supply would last an eternity...They also most probably underestimated the amount of consumer growth which occured following not only the greater reliance of oil as a source of energy but also its use in all wakes of life leading towards greater growth of the petrochemical industry...)
AS for the Hibernia field on the atlantoic continental shalf, after teh amazing discovery off the madelkeine islands, it's anyone's guess as to what the future holds !