fascinating trading
MY guess.... the financing is DONE... with good, solid new investors. I had heard rumblings that JP Morgan had made some excellent introductions for Prometic and gotten them great exposure to new, big money US funds.
If that is the case.. then perhaps we are finally going to be rid of the brutal Paradigm Hedge fund clients that have unmercillessly manipulated us through the last two financings... With any luck.. these guys are finally caught with their pants down needing to cover stock that they thought they would get in this financing. And if this new US Blood knows the typical small cap game.. then they saved a bunch of their demand for this stock for post issue purchasing in the open market.
I wouldnt be surprised at all if the rather messy convertible debt situation was cleaned up too... Pierre had said they were working on "solutions". It sure would be nice to have that out of the way somehow.
The real unknown is where Catalyst is in all of this.... As I said before... They have to be smart enough to know that PLI will be a substantial beneficiary if HML is refinanced and revitalized... It makes TOO much sense.. why not partner with PLI in some respect ?
we'll see... for now.. I am just thrilled to see a good solid bounce on big volume. Now lets see some news and followthru.