Radiometric IntervalsToday’s 47% gain, coming on the news of the discovery of radiometric intervals, one of which extended over 15 metres in width, is likely just the beginning.
Keep in mind that the drilling priority of targets on CMD's property was set simply by logistical considerations, starting out with the westernmost Strickland and Troy's Pond prospects. While these results electrified the market, these properties initially had some of the least impressive surface showings, as described in this previous News Release:
“Two small outcrop exposures contain uranium mineralized zones, 2.0 metres and 6.5 metres wide, respectively, separated by about 10 metres of overburden. Values exceeding 0.10% U3O8 were found in channel samples of these exposures”
Later on, when the drills move to the Blue Hills Main zone and later to the He-2 and Doucette prospects in the eastern portion of the Hermitage property, where surface showing were between 1.3% U3O8, and 3.1% U3O8, that’s when the fireworks begin!