Drilling Commences on the Ramard Copper-Zinc-Silver Project in Sonora
VANCOUVER, Jan. 4 /CNW/ - Colibri Resource Corporation has completed a program of geological mapping, rock sampling, road and drill pad construction on the Ramaje Ardiente Project (Ramard), 8,419 hectares of mineral claims in central Sonora, Mexico, and initiated percussion drilling. The Ramard Project is held by an option agreement to acquire 100% ownership between the Mexican subsidiary of Colibri, Minera Halcones SA de CV, and a private Mexican company.
Focus has been on approximately 4 square km of skarns, hornfels and associated porphyry intrusive rocks, the "La Bronca" prospect. Natural rock exposure is good to excellent and is augmented by numerous artesanal mine workings. 380 rock chip samples were collected over 1-5 meter wide intervals within this complex and assayed by International Plasma Labs, Vancouver. Skarns occur as gently dipping, parallel garnet layers, strongly mineralized, 2-10 meters in thickness, within a sequence of intermixed skarn, hornfels and limestone. The skarns are formed by replacement of limestone precursor beds by garnet and sulfide minerals.
Scout drilling using a portable, gasoline powered drill has demonstrated that skarn beds contain up to 461 gpt silver, 9.2% lead, 8.5% zinc over 5 meters (see news release of June 12, 2006). Systematic rock chip sampling has confirmed similar grades over approximately 1 km strike length and 300 meters width, with concentrations of silver ranging up to a maximum of 900 grams per metric tonne over 1 meter (29 ounces per ton), zinc up to 16.5%, lead up to 11.2 % and copper up to 1.3 %.
Hornfels units interbedded with skarns contain between several hundred ppm and 2 % zinc, and up to 28 grams per metric tonne silver. Mineralized skarn/hornfels is exposed over a minimum of 50 meters true thickness, consisting mostly of oxide mineral species such as smithsonite and hemimorphite, lead carbonate, (cerussite), copper oxides chrysocolla, malachite, azurite, pitch limonite, and neotocite. Surrounding this skarn complex is a differentiated suite of altered and stockwork veined intrusions ranging from diorite porphyry, granodiorite porphyry to quartz porphyry containing up to 1.35% copper and 1.67% zinc (see news release of June 12, 2006).
Approximately 10 km of drill roads, pads and trenches have been constructed. The company has contracted with Interminera SA de CV to drill a minimum of 1,000 meters using an Air-Trac percussion drill. Percussion drill holes are typically 20-40m deep. The drill program is designed to test the distribution of mineralization in the relatively flat lying skarn beds over more than one square kilometer in area and 50 meters in vertical extent, and to sample outcrops of mineralized porphyry intrusive.
J.J. Irwin, B.Sc., Ph.D. is the qualified person on this project.