RE: EDR sure has been acting very weak lately:EDR under $4, many retail investors must be panicking. But due to some recent therapy I'm feeling GREAT about my holdings in precious metals and all around for that matter. I'm not talking about more appointments with my psychologist (she's too expensive for more than bi monthly appointments
) but just friends literal and figurative that have helped me to understand that you find the best sectors to be in and you stick with it. To avoid being trampled like sheeple, you stop acting like sheeple. I believe it is that simple??
My only regret is that I didn't come across a large sum of money recently - brother if I had, I'd tell ya where I'd be sticking it and its not GICs! Anyway it is really funny how markets work - everywhere people on SH and rob were talking about the strength of Q1 and a week in we now realize that they should have meant the strength of the first day of Q1! If you didn't have irony, you wouldn't have a stock market.