RE: News...of a way...Yeah bigblackhole paid pumping may beat picking up pop bottles but if you stayed in your own trap line I would do alright in mine but no, you had to sneak in to the hi rent district and take my cans and bottles so I applied to the same pump school as you but they said they would only pay me a nickle a pump. I asked how come they paid you 15 cents a pump and they said it's because you were a professional bigahole and I had to learn the ropes.
Anyway got to go now as my puppet string just got yanked so I guess there's another hot list of stock picks over on aheadoftheherd to choose from come Monday morning. Anyway bigblackhole when OPA hits the big time you can have my trap line but please be careful with that shopping cart and try not to scratch my new Beamer, OK?