BC MetalsWhen all the companies are ready to go into production (bc metals, nova gold and copperfox) they won't wait for the government to build a powerline. The cost when split between them is of small concern. so if you have time on your hands these are (IMO) good companies to buy on the dips. I understand the powerline right of way is almost completely surveyed up to Dease Lake if it isn't already.
Another interesting one is Western Keltic which may go into production in a couple of years. They will use diesel gen sets for power but they have a small tonnage but it is a good grade.
These mines might not come into production for a couple of years. So the best time to buy is before they go into production and I like the low priced ones for leaverage.
This is my opinion and yes taseko was good at .30 but now where's the leaverage.