Monday, January 29, 2007 -
Investors spend a lot of time chasing after the big names in gold and silver mining stocks, but there’s plenty of glitter to be found in taking positions in a host of lesser lights, if one is willing to put up with a higher level of risk.
Scott Wright of Zeal Research, in a post on, writes: “Within the gold-stock world though lies a sub-sector that is not represented by an index and really has no boundary on its potential ... An early phase of exploration in which many juniors reside is called greenfields. Greenfields exploration is the poke-and-find method of exploring a broad target area that has initially favorable geology with little or no evidence of mineralization. This is probably the most important phase of exploration in the gold industry as it is ultimately responsible for its longevity.”
Jim Sinclair, founder of a natural resources royalty company Tanzanian Royalty Corp, says: “I have chosen to make an unreserved commitment not only to gold but also to a country that will compete and exceed South Africa in the production of metals, material and gems in my lifetime. A stable political regime, fair taxation, favorable mining laws, skilled expatriate and indigenous personnel, world-class exploration potential and a burgeoning market for gold, all serve to balance the equation called success.” - DS
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