Agreed, share price should be climbingAny of us in this are obviously bullish on Natural Gas, if not short term then medium to long term.
Whether it is RDOTT's share price analysis or Ferris, Baker Watts,
this stock is currently a steal.
The fact that the I.R. Dept was up front enough to acknowledge factors which affected share price only proves this company is genuine and committed to disclosing information material to investor decisions, very admirable.
The recent presentation also confirms with hard facts that this company is still on track and meeting its goals as stated.
The explanations provided for any delays are reasonable and justified. Again, the company should be applauded for even offerring an explanation when so many others would not under similar circumstances.
From what I hear M.S. has also highlighted SME amongst his other two hottest recommendations recently.
The facts are here for all to see and well laid out. Visit the Storm Cat website and punch up the presentation with audio and slides.