Embry's commentsBloomfield, have great respect for your opinions of companies, geology etc; but totally disagree with you with regards to Embry's comments. Fiat currency has been tried numerous times and has always ended in failure. I question whether we've finally got it right this time. Without a gold backed currency, (honest money) we are at the whims of politicians. You may argue that the prosperity that we've had would not have taken place without fiat; but I counter with the fact that most of the recent wars would not have been fought either. The whole fiat currency scheme is shrouded in mystery. Ask the next 10 people who you meet about where their dollars are derived from; dollar to donuts, they won't be able to tell you. This is no accident; it is deliberate much the same as inflation, which is an invisible tax.
In regards to if the gold price rises that the fed will counter with high interest rates the same as in the 80's; I say that in the 80's the US had a manufaturing base and the consumers weren't up to their eyeballs in debt. Ben cannot do today what Paul Volker did with interest rates in the 80's. We do indeed live in interesting times.