RE: WesTotally agreed speedy, somethings rotten here! All of this is pertinent news-worthy stuff that should be disclosed as an NR to the shareholders including you NWO! And this should include reasonable updates from the field! There's reasons for keeping this under the radar, with the amount of stock and options the board has, would it not be in there interest, or is there friendlies of the board accumulating! If thats the case, the board is a bunch of thieves, not being representative of the true value of AUQ in a timely fashion. I feel sorry for all the little investors that have lost money by there greedy agendas; to accumulate if that is the case. Fu_kin larceny and greed with inside info. I couldn't be a person like that, it wouldn't sit right with me! I wish there was some way to take them to task! There isn't one person on this board that doesn't know and agree that AUQ should be trading at least double right now, including you NWO! If you agree to that, quit making excuses for the board!