RE: Alimek miningFrom Campbell, April 2001.
The Alimak method involves the use of an Alimak raise machine on which miners are raised to work sites, complete their work and descend. This method cuts down on the need for sub levels, provides more miner time at the face of the stope or drift and can significantly reduce costs.
Financing probably kept any implementation of this method on the backburner.
From the Campbell 3rd Quarter News Release;
At the Copper Rand Mine, the design of new development headings and implementation of new ground control standards have significantly improved the productive capacity of this operation.
-- None of which explains a timeline but it does reveal an extremely effective Copper Rand has never been achieveable financially until now. Even then there have been some pretty impressive numbers in the past.
I hope someone can obtain the answer as well.
Note: The news release says 'alimek' but I find lots of hits on google for Alimak. The chinese site says Alimak also I think.