RE: LMAO wing818, csi on stockhouse!Your right this will pay..
I listened to the cc again..
Two people phone in and there both with brokerage houses..
So what was so bad...Nothing..
Sirit doesn't give guidance..
H_ll most companies don't nowadays...
They have no way of knowing when one of the pilots will take fruit...
From what I heard management never said anything was bad..
They said they are in a good position to capitalize on the opportunities in the RFID marketplace...
IMO this company could easily go to 30mill in revenue this year..
And possibly higher..
fuzzylogic's 50mill even sounds doable..
The infinity 510 will one day out revenue the AVI..
You have to read between the lines..
MR.Dawalibi even said the NFC could significantly contribute..
That its consumer driven and sometimes things move fast..
I know sometimes I sound negative...
But thats just me venting...
I haven't sold a single share..
And I see no reason to..
Yes the price might drift a little lower as people become impatient..
so what..
I for one can not market time..
In closing I'm of the opinion that the metro deal is coming..
And it will be in the millions..
Those big companies know RFID can make them money..
Forget who posted that metro presentation..
Because I'm getting old..
But it shows there going to do this..
and sirit has some of the best products out there..
When do alot of compaies come out with there new budgets..
Right about now thats when...
I'm pretty sure Sirit will be announcing some meaty contracts this year!
I remember years ago reading an article that said if you what to play this new technology RFID there two companies in canada to buy shares in...
Well theres now just one company!
So Vagne I'm with you..
As are probably most of the longs on this board..
I didn't hear one thing on that conference call that sounded bad to me..
It was typically boring..
But I have yet to hear one thats exciting..
Just a kanuck posting while drinking a beer and killing sometime..
Have a feeling I'll be doing alot of that over the next few months...