Gman most pathetic rebuttal i ever seen.Usually ,people of low intelligence like G man resort to insults.They are unable to think for themselves and fear anyone who does.I have never seen such a pathetic rebuttal in my life.As the clueless twit he is ,he dodges the relevant questions and starts talking about his families' profession,basket weaving.Unable to answer the questions and in fear that his low iq will be exposed he completely avoids the topic.Whereas if he actually thought about it and other tough issues he would not have the limited mental capicity he has.Learn to think Gman,the muscle is a brain and you are the evidence of what can happen when it i s never used.
I see the north american economy going belly up as in broke.If the housing and stock market tanks,it begs the question,where will the money come from?Gman don't respond,i was asking intelligent people their opinions.You can't even grasp the question.Stop being afraid of people of higher iq or freethinkers.It is exactly that lack of questioning and analytical thinking which has got our society in this kind of mess.I haven't seen one rebuttal that answers the question.Warren Buffet says "derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction."There are about 400 trillion of them.When people loss their jobs,houses and have no savings.Where would this money come from,in such a situation?All im doing is asking,which means im hoping someone with more intelligence than the mentally challenged Gman could answer.
Do you really think a basket weaver would ask?Of course not but Gman alas can only resort to insults unable to think for himself or like many too scared to ask the tough questions.The fact Gman cant answer shows me people are too scared or brainwashed to look at both sides.Too me the sector looks weak,i ask myself why?This is not an attack on TNX,it was the hope more intelligent posters were here.Gman proved me wrong.