$large guys(This post has nohing to do with RVX and in no way is meant to comment on the company, their performance or their future. I do not know enough to comment on it one way or the other. I wish all shareholders well and would like to see this play succeed for them.)
I got booted off of $large for objecting, strongly, to a dutchfella post that simply said, "sell OIL, buy RVX". RVX was in the low 20's at the time and I thought it strange for them to be so defensive about their guaranteed play. Anyway it went on a great run to almost $30 and we all know what has happened since then. My question is do you guys think that the sudden shutdown of $large on the weekend has anything to do with the performance of RVX this week? The two of them were promising a buyout, "closer to $100 then today's price ($21)" and did just stop short of promising that they had an insider who had the goods. Also largeinvest had 100% of his money on it at one time, or so he said, and made some pretty stupid guarantees and maybe he did the coward's thing by running and hiding. Anyone?
PS - This post has nohing to do with RVX and in no way is meant to comment on the company, their performance or their future. I do not know enough to comment on it one way or the other.