RE: Sketch of latest drill holes - Megacopper
The Sibley Basin is literally in my backyard. I've been to the Split Rapids site but didn't stay too long... I didn't want my nuts to fall off LOL. Since RPT is the only company that is drilling right now, I would say that they are in the driver's seat. They have 3 years of exploration experience there which is a boost. I like v.TAL (and hold a position as you know) because of their location and the possibility of unconformity type deposits. V.GR hasn't released their airborne survey results so it's hard to say what they are into. They are on the same side of the fault as Splitt Rapids, so they may find similar iron formations as what RPT is into. As far BTC goes, they haven't done any exploration on their remaining claims yet (what they haven't j.v.'d off yet). There are a couple of other juniors around who hold land such as GRW and EWR. GRW has done some prospecting but no drilling so I put them at the back of the pack. EWR had some claims with U3O8, but they optioned them to MGA and little work has occured since. Believe it or not there is still a lot of open ground up there, but that will change when RPT pulls longer intercepts out of the ground.
Good luck!