RE: what next?You see Blaze...your little over reaction to this assumption is not what I would consider too normal for a guy as you immediately went for the throat rather than being more civilized about my error. Nothing was intended and that fact that you are chatting on the BB doesn't mean anything about making you financially successful, I find the more people brag about their financial success the less successful they are and that is fact. Now with regard to AMK I have no problem sharing valuable information and opinions regardless of gender so grow up take it in the chin and don't be like so many other women out there and overreact about silly little things like what has just occured it's childish not very adultlike now is it. Good luck and if you care to discuss pertinent info and not take anything personally than we'll talk again. Till than go AMK gooooooooo GGGGGOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLDDDDD!! And for your info most of the individuals on this board are male, statistically there are just more men that women on here no big deal, it doesn't mean we don't want women here that's rediculous. Especially ones that talk about how successful they are. No ABUSE intended..........can't you see you do it to yourself???