latest news about Uncle DermottWe all know that a Scotsman and an Irishman named Desmond & Dobson are the two largest MPV shareholders; one of them resides in Gibralter; the other in Monacco
We know Desmond & Dobson are famous for their distain of the press.
Ever wonder what Dobson & Desmond are up to? Hhre was an article in about them:
Q:What is uncle Dermott Desmond,up to?
A: Damn Foolishness!!! Acause he is planning in investing in NFLD.
Q: What is uncle Harry Dobson up to?
A: Damn Foolishness!!! Acause he has already invested in NFLD.
Q: How are they investing in Nfld?
A: By investing $$ into two Nfld business': the first is Newfoundland & Labrador Petrolium, which plans to build a refinery in Placentia Bay; the second is a joint-venture with Altius for prospecting and mineral exploration in central Newfoundland.
Q: why is investing in Newfoundland & Labrador damn foolinsness?
A: Acause the average person who has even invested anything Newfoundland has ended up losing their shirt:
1) Look at John Shaheen and Come-By-Chance oil refinery; at the time, that was the largest bankruptcy in world history.
2) Look at how Brian Tobin found an obscure clause in Canada's constitutuion to put the screws to Inco and its subsidiary Voisey Bay Nickle Company.
Here are snippits of the article:
The Independent
Friday, April 13, 2007
"[European news outlets] report two billionaire entrepreneurs...are investing in a local development company championing the construction of a...oil refinery in Placentia Bay."
"Dermot Desmond, cited as the fifth richest man in Ireland, and Scottish mining tycoon Harry Dobson have joined forces with international oil executive Stephen Posford and...Altius, to form the Newfoundland and Labrador Refining Corporation."
The company is wasting no time getting the project started.
Altius owns 37.5 per cent of the company, Desmond, Dobson and Posford split the remaining 62.5 per cent.
"With a completed feasibility study, Altius is now compiling environmental assessments...if Altius gets green lights on federal and provincial government regulations, it expects to start construction by year’s end and complete the project by 2011."
"the construction of a second refinery has a number of challenges, including the “not-in-my-backyard” syndrome".