to leketleket,
picture yourself as Robert Deniro in The Deer Hunter, in the scene where they've been captured by the VietCong and are forced to play Russian Roulette with each other. Picture Deniro's face, shouting at Christopher Walken, "YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT!"
Walken has to point the gun at his own head and pull the trigger in order for them to live. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you watch the movie.
Picture all of us in this same situation. We've had the guts to pull the trigger - that was the hardest part. And now the payoff will come. Deniro (Cathy) will kill them all single-handedly so that we can live (get rich).
If Walken and Deniro can do it, so can we. Hold on tight, buddy. We're almost there.