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Bank of Montreal T.BMO

Alternate Symbol(s):  BMO | T.BMO.PR.Y | FNGO | T.BMO.PR.E | FNGU | CARD | CARU | N.ZUEA | N.ZEBA | N.ZOCT | N.BGDV | FNGD

Bank of Montreal (the Bank) is a North American bank. The Bank provides a broad range of personal and commercial banking, wealth management, global markets and investment banking products and services. The Bank serves about 13 million customers across North America, and in select markets globally, through three integrated operating groups: Personal and Commercial Banking (P&C), BMO Wealth Management and BMO Capital Markets. The P&C operating group represents the sum of its two retail and commercial operating segments, Canadian Personal and Commercial Banking (Canadian P&C) and U.S. Personal and Commercial Banking (U.S. P&C). BMO Wealth Management serves a full range of clients, from individuals and families to business owners and institutions, offering a wide spectrum of wealth, asset management and insurance products and services. BMO Capital Markets offers a comprehensive range of products and services to corporate, institutional and government clients.

TSX:BMO - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by scissors14on May 01, 2007 2:25am
Post# 12701498

Nesbitt Maintains $70 Target

Nesbitt Maintains $70 Target
Bullboard Posts