RE: Another nail in Hotschumck brainLOL! RIGHT! The north american BS hybrids supposedly save 25% by what? Shutting off cylinders- WOW what a hybrid! Oh yeah it has electrical assist- what a pathetic way to make it look like a hybrid.
Toyota, Honda and some others are building TRUE hybrids which actually do save tons on gas and eventually we will have the plug ins. BTW- this has nothing to do with EFL but they do have much better hybrid technology. North American automakers just can't see the light as usual and are already whining about unfair competition.
You know what I WILL PAY MORE TO GET BETTER and that unfortunately excludes the North American automakers. The one thing I can't stand is an attempt at passing off gas guzzling products which, even with the 25% savings on gas are still gas guzzlers.
Hotschmuck though would (if he had two cents to rub together) be the first in line to buy these BS products. If he would spend less time drawing attention to the EFL board and using revers psychology at pumping this stock he could make some money somewhere else, like Tim Horton's making coffee!