RE: News
Fipke over 6 years should have news! Chuck did no drilling in Brazil, only sampling. With his expertise in following indicator trains and his propretory technology in analyzing them he has a pretty good idea of what he has there and will keep it to himself. Often good indicator minerals dont turn into commercial pipes. Chuck never releases anything until it is bona-fide and would be TSX approvable. IMO news will be a long time coming but if you own stock hang on it will be worth it.
Just to let you know a little more about this Prospector, several years ago(maybe 6 or 7) he decided he wanted to find the lost Gold Mines of the Queen of Sheba. He searched and found them staked a great deal of ground and, found nickel, more gold areas, and PGMs. Since then he has turned the Sheba claims back to the Government of Yemen because of their historical signifigants. His Co. is Cantex and there is approximately $45b in in ground resources.
Be patient Chuck will come through for you, but dont keep asking WHY NO NEWS.
Cheers Wilf