RE: 4000,000,000 tonnes is possibleYes, it's possible. Just not proven with the drilling yet.
I found a web site that listed the specific gravity of coal as ranging from 1.3 to 1.5. Taking an average of 1.4, the deposit would need to be 285,714,285 cubic meters in order to hit 400m metric tonnes. That would be 10,000m x 2,857m x 10m deep. Or 10,000m x 1,428m x 20m deep. Or a number of other combinations that can be backed into. Based on the distance between the coal outcrops, or showings, this is possible.
The different elevations of the showings make me cautious. The distance between the showings makes me cautiously optimistic at this time.
Does anyone know of any web based sources of information regarding coal deposits in BC? What I'm not clear on is the "typical" thickness of deposits in this region. Remember, even Jet calls them "seams."