nationizing mines has neverworked in past because it is very complex to run mines takes very skilled staff.after short time goverments that tried had to shut down or had to pump money into does however work with oil wells?even though production mostly go douwn after a while and reserve are not being found .chaves is trying it right now and production is douwn 40%.i notice he is more carefull with mining.same story in bolivia.the 70-80% was refering to the oil and gas industry of equador and have nothig to do with mining.these people are not stupid.where would the get the knowledge to get the goodies out of the skilled tradesmen regarding mining in the guess is the will follow chile,peru,argentinia etc.their mining industry is just in infant stage so they will be extra carefull not to piss foreigen explorers off?espesially canadians as we are the best in the world when it comes to finding ore bodies.aru put one hell of a team together,no worry here.the will find a lot more and this stoch will cruise.i am a paid pumper and have been paid abaut 300.000$ so far trough my aru holdings.i have been a miner in varius B.C mines and know abaut the dificulty of mining.