RE: You will note we get nothing but rubbish/gasfullofgas wrote:
"We all know how great the IG is or we wouldn't be invested here. The only thing wrong with this entire picture is the stock price. Who is to blame? What is the responsiblity of the BOD?"
Fullofgas: Reasonable questions. My answer to you is that the BoD's primary responsibility is to increase shareholder value and the way to do that in a mining venture is to increase the net asset value of that venture. Longerterm, the shareprice will follow the nav.
Now let me ask you a question... do you or do you not agree that the nav of our PAT shares has risen over the past year?? Please answer this.
Fwiw, I don't think that my BoD (and I have no personal axe to grind here one way or the other) should bother micro-managing the day-to-day shareprice; this is a small volatile gold miner afterall. I would be more concerned if the BoD started dumping their PAT shares but so far I don't believe this has happened (correct me if I'm wrong). Oh, and it's me, not the Pat BoD, who's responsible for my investment choices.
Good luck.