More ????? than answersI made my monthly call to Iciena this evening.
I looked up Iciena's website to dial Skyline's number off the bottom of the page and realized when I got there that the number had been changed from an 866 number to an 800 number.
I said to myself, Hmmm...something is a brewing!
I called the 800 number. A lady answered by saying "hello". I said is this Skyline Investor Relations? She said "No" this ia Iciena Ventures, an mining and exploration company. I said, yes, I know that.
I asked what happened to Skyline as there number had always been at the bottom of the web page and then she asked, who is this. I proceeded to tell her. She then asked why I was calling. Then she said hang on and I will get ahold of "them" for you. I am not sure who "them" is.
On hold for a minute....maybe 45 seconds. She comes back and says "they don't seem to be answering over there. Can I get your name and number and someone will call you back". Before I gave her my info I asked if this was an answering service and she said "yes", I said to myself "great" sarcastically. Knowing full well that whatever I told her would go knowhere.
I gave the requested information and said goodbye.
Then I said....hmm....I have Skyline's number I called it myself.
They answered the phone right away. I asked whom I was speaking with and they told me and then I proceeded to tell them that the phone number on Iciena's web page had changed and asked why.
They (skyline) didn't know it had changed!
I then asked if there was any updates...and nothing other than the aerial surveying is ongoing and the web site should be up and running within a week, maybe two!
Same stuff that has been said for the last several months.
I ask the following question to anyone reading, listening, or with a crystal ball.
When will we get some information out of this company? This is getting ridiculus!
For those out there that don't want to hear the negativity about this company, I am sorry. I had high hopes for this stock. I am now way passed wondering if this is a rotten tomato.
We, the shareholders, somehow have to find a way to hold the board accoutable for the lack of news and the falling stock price!