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Connacher Oil & Gas Ltd CLLZF

"Connacher Oil and Gas Ltd is an oil company engaged in the exploration and development, production and marketing of bitumen. Connacher holds two producing projects at Great Divide are known as Pod One and Algar."

GREY:CLLZF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by fletchmeron Jun 20, 2007 9:32pm
Post# 12975375

how long before were bought out?

how long before were bought out? I will make my prediction today that before the last day of summer this comapny will be bought out. Reasons - foreign investors looking to get into the oil sands what better way to get your feet wet than a developing producer who stands alone. -valuse wise they need to purchase this company before it gains any upward momentum which would be of coarse when steam is turned on and most importantly when oil comes out the other end. Our best defence is a strong share price which of coarse we do not have at this time. fletchmer long cll
Bullboard Posts