Meetingi beleive the stock needs approval of tsx and we spilt,shouldnt be more than a few days.They did say they have zeroed in on the fault zone they have been looking for.Lots of core ending in great mineralazation so obviously beleive are depths will be greater.The reason for El Tigre start up were location, and the great sediment samples they were finding at near surface.Political risk is always there but they seem very optimistic of what the outcome will be.They seem like there are lining up all there ducks so they wont have any gliches when time comes.....Anyhow Best drill hole known to date by any gold explorer, only keeps me thinking this could be the greatest discovery ever when all is said and done.When FDN is all drilled up we could be pushing close to 20 million ounces here alone who knows maybe more, can u say WOW. just think they have i beleive another 38 targets to go, who knows what we will find,maybe another FDN or bigger could you imagine......None the less the stock is undervalued at the moment, with all shares fully diluted look for our beloved Aurelian to trade beyond $10(IMHO)and keep going as we add drill core should be a no brainer......