RE: AFA Answers regarding the IMD deal.That was not your question...
I explained the difference between the 2, furthermore, Mr. Friedland may be worth following but Not Mr. Boulle that is another story...
Now, your point about the hypothetical lost of 35% is moot, because this is not a secret, it was made public 2006...,
Why make a big fuss now.... Do you actually have shares ??
Furthermore your refusal to see the weakness of your argument about the Company position show how little you understand the business...
Accepting option 2 implies that IMDH would accept to become nothing but a minority shareholder of the block J ... AFA and Woduna, because to the term of the JV would become the majority shareholder and under the terms of the JV Woduna cannot sell any of its interest without first offering them to AFA... so IMDH would remain stuck with a small participation in a private company..
Now, by taking shares in AFA, IMDH can remain the contractor, become an important shareholder in AFA, and AFA would keep 70% of the project..