RE: question for barcodewiz
Tough question... because I really dont think the market truly appreciates the magnitude of the preliminary 1402 results, nor do I think we have seen the potential play out here. Its no secret that JP Morgan and their principal partners in PLI were primarilly in this story for 1402.... So where are they in all of this now that they are realizing that they have X million invested collectively... and its looking more and more like they TRULY might be on to something here..
In this kind of situation, my experience dictates that the smart money, the big players... act on fundamentals. I bet we are going the see some kind of major action come out of these results... and in virtually any imaginable scenario.. things are going to be substantially different than they have in the past.
The old days of shorting the crap out of this stock, with little or no risk of getting squeezed, in my opinion are over... and that is huge. With the combination of 1402, fractionation (PPPS), filters and other potential... this is a real company with REAL value... and at any time now, someone can step in and take charge.
Bottom line, with the kind of momentum and results and potential out there... money is NOT a problem. We shouldnt sit and obsess about another financing... if they need money, they can either do a partial JV, or do a bought deal that takes care of the next 6 months that gets them indisputably to the next level.
The future is NOW for this company... and while I obviously reserver the right to be WRONG....dont be your own worst enemy.