RE: IMD deal is a Great for AFACDN Trout,
This do will be my last comment on the subject...
Since you seem to agree with the fact that there could be north of 6.4 millions shares on block J then ...
Let look for one second at what you believe will happen, ( I do not agree with it but I will amuse you..)
Let make this equations.. 6.4 millions carats @ US $ 250.00 per carat = US $1,6 Billion.. then multiply this by 34.3% that make AFA shares if that option is the one chosen, at US $ 548 million or CDN $ 575...
Now all the market theories state that a Company value will trend toward is theortical value during the resources delination face.. so if would not be unthinkable that AFA market cap could go to $ 500 millions... Not let be conservative and divide by 60 % to take in consideration other risk factors.. then we would be taking of a potential market cap of CDN $ 200... or about CDN $ 1,57...., and the stock trade at $0.20...
So you see even taking into consideration your worst case option this stock could be ten bagger over the coming months..
So the conclusion is... Even under CDNTrout worst case secnario..this story is way undervalue in the $0.20 range...