MAG Finds High Grade Silver At BatopilasMAG Finds High Grade Silver At Batopilas
1.0 metre of 3,070 g/t silver (89.5 opt), 3.6% lead and 0.63% zinc
Vancouver, B.C...MAG Silver Corp. (TSXV:MAG; AMEX:MVG) announces that
the 2007 exploration program in the Batopilas Native Silver District
has encountered high grade silver in: a) drilling in the Roncesvalles
-- Todos Santos area, b) drilling in the Las Animas area (The Cobriza
Veins) and c) a series of drill roads and trenches in the Las Animas
Ridge area. A seven hole, 2,907 metre drill program that started in
mid-February has been completed and crews have demobilized from
Batopilas for the rainy season.
(a) Todos Santos - Highlights of the program include Hole BA07-15 at
Todos Santos which intersected 1.0 metre of 3,070 grams per tonne (g/t)
silver (89.5 ounces per ton (opt)), 3.6% lead and 0.63% zinc. This
intercept is located on the east side of the Roncesvalles Fault Zone
(RFZ) in the footwall of the Todos Santos -- San Roberto vein system.
The intercept is interpreted to be a parallel footwall vein or splay of
the historically highly productive "Todos Santos Vein" that was last
worked around 1915. This intercept and last year's "Don Juan" intercept
(1.7 metres of 2,357 g/t silver or 68.7 opt) are on opposite sides of
the major Roncesvalles Fault Zone and their relationship to each other
is under additional study.
(b) Las Animas (Cobriza) - Other significant drilling highlights
include two intercepts in the Las Animas Area of 1.0 metre of 156 g/t
(4.54 opt) and 1.0 metre of 186 g/t (5.42 opt) silver respectively in
Holes BA07-17 and BA07-18. Both represent about 200 metre down dip
intersections from the veins and vein structures discovered by a series
of roads and trenches constructed this year to follow up on silt and
soil geochemical anomalies. The drill intercepts provide important
information to help in determining the strike and dip continuity of
these mineralized structures. Results for the third hole in this area,
BA07-19 are still pending.
(c) Trenching and Roads Program - A highlight from the trench and road
program includes the discovery and exposure of the Cobriza North vein
structure. This vein is exposed in a 4.0 metre high road-cut and is
from 0.25 to 1.0 metres wide. Eleven samples totalling 281.54 kilograms
(620 pounds) of bulk material were collected for analysis. Metallic
screen analysis has returned an average minimum grade for this bulk
sample of 11,158 g/t silver (325.4 opt). This analysis does not include
the 2,776 grams (89.3 ounces) of native silver that was hand collected
from this location as well.
This 2,495 metre program of trench and road building, at Las Animas
Ridge has also discovered at least two mineralized structures; the
northern extension of the Cobriza (as described above) and a silver
sulphide-bearing structure 225 metres farther south east. This work has
also uncovered entrances to several old 1850's era workings on roads 1
and 3, as well as cutting numerous and previously undocumented silver,
lead and zinc mineralized structures.
A 1.0 metre, 828 g/t silver (24.1 opt) rock chip sample on road 1 led
to the discovery of the extension of the Cobriza Structure, described
as a native silver bearing, manganese-oxide rich zone. Another rock
chip sample located 225 metres southeast on this same road returned 1.0
metre of 851 g/t silver (24.8 opt) and revealed a previously unknown
structure containing acanthite, a high silver sulphide. This discovery
was a follow-up of an 11.4 g/t silver soil sample collected only 13.0
metres away.
More than a dozen other geochemically anomalous structures containing
silver values from 10 to 580 g/t silver (0.3 to 16.9 opt) in rock-chip
samples have yet to be followed up in detail. A 580 g/t silver result
is from the sedimentary member of the newly recognized Batopilas
formation, the most favorable host for silver veins, and is located 180
metres southeast of the silver sulphide-bearing structure described
above. In addition, 28 out of 337 soil samples in this program returned
values greater than 10.0 g/t silver and ranged as high as 246 grams
(7.2 ounces) silver. Follow-up work is planned.
The results of this phase of work at Las Animas suggests that the
mineralization may represent one single north east-trending and
northwest-dipping mineralized structural zone with a strike length in
excess of 500 metres.
Four holes totalling 1,510 metres were drilled west of the Roncesvalles
Fault Zone (RFZ) to test the RFZ and the south east extension of the
Don Juan vein mineralization (2,357 g/t or 68.7 opt of silver over 1.76
metres) encountered in Holes BA05-02 and BA06-05.
A significant anomaly uncovered in drilling these four holes is the
presence of wide zones of highly anomalous copper and or molybdenum.
Long continuous runs of core samples with greater than 1,000 g/t copper
and molybdenum values in the hundreds of grams per tonne are found in
both BA07-15 and BA07-16. It has yet to be determined the relationship
this may have with the silver mineralization.
The following Table summarizes diamond drilling highlights above 10.0
ppm Ag.
Hole From To Interval Silver Silver OPT
Number (Metres) (Metres) (Metres) ICP Screen
BA07-13 70.8 71.45 0.65 23 15 0.7
71.45 71.95 0.5 30.5 24 0.9
Combined 70.8 71.95 1.15 26.3 0.8
81.4 82.1 0.7 10.6 0.3
BA07-14 262.25 263.25 1.00 15.0 5 0.4
354.60 355.10 0.50 17.5 <5 0.5
355.10 356.10 1.00 10.1 <5 0.3
Combined 354.60 356.10 1.50 12.6 <5 0.4
374.20 374.70 0.50 13.4 9 0.4
BA07-15 217.45 218.45 1 11 0.3
248.53 249.53 1 24.8 0.7
251.6 252.6 1 >100 3,070 89.5
253.6 254.6 1 16.3 0.5
BA07-16 224.25 225.25 1.00 93.5 2.7
227.10 228.10 1.00 36.4 1.1
306.95 308.45 1.50 10.8 0.3
308.45 309.95 1.50 26.7 0.8
309.95 310.95 1.00 10.0 0.3
Combined 306.95 310.95 4.00 16.6 0.5
346.95 347.95 1.00 19.9 0.6
347.95 348.95 1.00 13.0 13 0.4
BA07-17 24.70 25.20 0.50 41.1 1.2
337.55 338.55 1.00 70.3 156 4.5
BA07-18 272.3 273.3 1.00 186 pending 5.4
399.0 340.0 1.00 11.7 0.3
340.0 341.0 1.00 12.1 0.4
341.0 342.0 1.00 11.1 0.3
Combined 399.0 342.0 3.00 11.6 0.3
BA07-19 Assays Pending
Geologic Mapping
A totally revised district scale geologic map of the entire 40 square
kilometre Batopilas land holdings has been generated by MAG. This study
re-interprets what was previously mapped as early Tertiary age diorite
intrusions as a Late Jurassic sequence of metamorphosed inter-bedded
submarine andesitic volcanic and sedimentary units cut by a complex
suite of Tertiary intrusive rocks. It is this Jurassic sequence,
informally called the Batopilas Formation, which appears to be the
preferred host for the most significant silver mineralization
throughout the district. The revised structural and stratigraphic model
indicates that a large intrusive-cored radial dike-vein system is
centered under the south slope of Cerro de Las Animas near the
projected intersection of the Roncesvalles Fault Zone and Pastrana Vein
system. This new understanding allows greatly improved targeting of the
highest potential structures in the preferentially favorable Batopilas
Formation host rocks.
Airborne Geophysics
A high resolution airborne magnetics and electromagnetic survey was
flown by a contract airborne service over the entire Batopilas
District. This approximately 770 line kilometres of new data clearly
highlights stratigraphic, intrusive and structural features defined in
the new district scale mapping and provide a sound basis for targeting
further exploration drilling throughout the Batopilas Silver District.
The 2006-2007 Batopilas geological-geochemical-geophysical and drilling
programs in the focus area has dramatically improved the overall
understanding of mineralization controls and should allow significantly
improved targeting for further drilling throughout the district. The
overall structural fabric has been outlined and the apparent close
spatial relationship between mineralization and distinctive quartz
latite-monzonite dikes has been recognized. Combining this with the
recent recognition of the specific stratigraphic units that are the
most favorable ore hosts means that it is now possible to target the
most favorable structures within the most favorable stratigraphy, in
close proximity to the potentially important quartz latite-Monzonite
dikes. This kind of geologic focus has not been previously attainable.
The district-scale exploration implications of the recent work program
are significant. The airborne geophysics clearly reveals the overall
patterns of the quartz latite-Monzonite dike swarm and can be used to
trace the most favorable host stratigraphy and structures. This has
quickly revealed several large areas outside the initial exploration
focus area with the same combination of stratigraphy, structure and
igneous dikes. It is now possible to quickly apply the field
geochemical protocol of stream sediment, ridge and spur soil sampling,
and detailed follow-up examination to these areas to generate multiple
drill targets in a wide range of areas throughout the district.
About Batopilas
Batopilas, a large 4,500 hectare property, is owned 100% by MAG. As a
unique "native" silver district, Batopilas silver is associated with
calcite veining and shows extraordinary grades approaching 50 opt of
silver. The district produced almost 300 million ounces until the
Mexican Revolution in 1912 disrupted production from which the district
never recovered. MAG's control of 94% of this unique and high grade
district is the first consolidation of the district's silver mines
(over 70 in total) and the first modern exploration program to be
conducted in over 93 years.
QA/QC Procedures: The Company has implemented a quality control program
to ensure best practices in sampling and analysis of the core samples.
The core is first logged then split in half during the sampling process
with the remaining half being retained for verification and reference
purposes. Duplicates, standards and blanks are inserted randomly into
the sample stream. The samples are delivered directly in security
sealed bags to ALS-Chemex Laboratories preparation facility in either
Chihuahua, Chihuahua or Hermosillo, Sonora (Certification ISO 9001).
Sample pulps are shipped from there to ALS-Chemex Laboratories in North
Vancouver, Canada for analysis by ICP techniques. Metallic screen fire
analyses for silver are also regularly run as an additional QA/QC
Qualified Person: Dr. Peter Megaw, Ph.D., C.P.G., has acted as the
qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 for this
disclosure and supervised the preparation of the technical information
in this release. Dr. Megaw has a Ph.D. in geology and more than 20
years of relevant experience focussed on silver and gold
mineralization, and exploration and drilling in Mexico. He is a
certified Professional Geologist (CPG 10227) by the American Institute
of Professional Geologists and an Arizona Registered geologist (ARG
21613). Dr. Megaw is not independent as he is a shareholder and
director of MAG and is a vendor of a project, whereby he may receive
additional shares.
About MAG Silver Corp. ( )
MAG is focused on district scale projects located within the Mexican
Silver Belt. Our mission is to become one of the premier companies in
the Silver Mining Industry. MAG and its partner Industrias Peñoles are
delineating a significant new silver vein deposit on the Juanicipio
Joint Venture in Zacatecas State, Mexico. MAG is based in Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada and trades on the Toronto Stock Venture
Exchange (TSX-V) under the symbol MAG and on the American Stock
Exchange (AMEX) under the symbol MVG.
On behalf of the Board of
"Dan MacInnis"
President and CEO
For further information on behalf of MAG Silver Corp. contact Gordon
Neal, VP Corp. Development
Phone: (604) 630-1399
Toll free: (866) 630-1399
Fax: 604) 484-4710
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the American Stock Exchange has
reviewed or accepted responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of
this news release, which has been prepared by management.